“VocalEssence have a blend that could – and should – be the envy of every choir in the business.” —Alexandra Coghlan, Oxford Times (UK)
“The VocalEssence Ensemble Singers are fully paid-up members of America’s choral Ivy League.” —Alexandra Coghlan, Oxford Times (UK)
“A superbly blended sound.” —Terry Grimley, Birmingham Post (UK)
“Polished, bright and brilliantly balanced.” — London Times (UK)
“Exemplary technique…This small group produced a luxuriant sound…They performed the music with tonal purity and technical mastery.” —William Randall Beard, Minneapolis Star Tribune
“The state’s foremost choral ambassadors have just released a CD that lends their lush, full-voiced sound to an expansive variety of Minnesota-made music.” —Rob Hubbard, St. Paul Pioneer Press, CD Review: From the Land of Sky Blue Waters
“… One of the finest and most versatile choral groups in the country. Their artistic range extends from the earliest Renaissance motets to a John Lennon tune with visits to everywhere else in between. The voices of this ensemble are well tuned and beautiful.” —Ann Stahmer, Audiophile Audition, CD Review: Hymn to Potatoes and other choral masterworks from A Prairie Home Companion
“The choir sings with a rich, full-bodied, full-vibrato-ed American sound that’s very well-balanced and warm-toned. The ensemble technique is superb, the podium leadership exemplary…Don’t miss this.” —David Vernier, ClassicsToday.com, Got the Saint Louis Blues: Classical Music in the Jazz Age