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Voice Your Vote

   Take a minute and hear these powerful words from women from our Rightfully Hers performance. Voice your vote today! Already voted? Help someone else make a plan – you may be more important than you know. Need more information? Check out the League of Women Voters Minnesota website: Watch Rightfully Hers Want…  Read More

Story & Song

Free series to spark curiosity in children When the weather gets cold, spend time inside with us. Story & Song is a FREE video series designed especially for preschool kids and older to create a positive sense of self, spark curiosity, and inspire empathy while celebrating the multitude of cultures in our community. Created by Associate Conductor G. Phillip Shoultz, III, each 20-minute episode features a book and a song, as well as a visit from an…

VocalEssence On Demand

2020-2021 Digital Season  VocalEssence is delighted to announce our 2020-2021 season, broadcast in high-definition video to our new website—VocalEssence On Demand.  VocalEssence On Demand allows you to watch as much as you want, whenever you want—all for one low price of $49. Why just $49? VocalEssence is committed to using music as a healing balm for the soul.…

Bob Chilcott

Bob Chilcott | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Bob Chilcott. Bob Chilcott b. 1955 Bob Chilcott is a British conductor, singer, and composer of music that choirs at all levels love to sing. Chilcott sang in the choir of King’s College, Cambridge, first…  Read More

EVENT: Music Lives Here, Preparing for Re-Entry Part 1

Apr 27 @ 11:17 am

Join us on Thursday to see a online rehearsal demonstration to prepare you for upcoming rehearsals this fall. Zoom Information Meeting ID: 980 7775 6921 Password: musiclives Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Background A day of new possibilities began on Monday, May 11 as representatives from ACDA-MN (Diane Heaney,…  Read More


Henk Badings | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Henk Badings, featuring mezzo-soprano Clara Osowski. Henk Badings 1907-1987 The prolific Dutch composer Henk Badings was born on the island of Java and moved to the Netherlands at age seven as an orphan. Facing pressure from…  Read More


Amy Cheney Beach | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Amy Cheney Beach. Amy Cheney Beach 1867-1944 The pioneering composer Amy Cheney Beach was the first American woman to compose large-scale concert music and find widespread success. Born in Henniker, New Hampshire, Beach demonstrated outstanding…  Read More


Hector Berlioz | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Hector Berlioz. Hector Berlioz 1803-1869 During his lifetime, the music of the innovative French conductor and composer Hector Berlioz was highly controversial. The son of a doctor, Berlioz defied his parents’ wishes for him to…  Read More


Nathaniel Dett | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Nathaniel Dett. Nathaniel Dett 1882-1943 Canadian-American composer, educator, and conductor Nathaniel Dett not only wrote over one hundred works for choirs, solo voice, instrumental ensembles, and piano, but also played an important role as an…  Read More


Herbert Howells | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Herbert Howells. Herbert Howells 1892-1983 The gifted English composer Herbert Howells was praised for his lyrical and expressive compositions that are full of intimate, emotional depth. As a child, Howells showed great musical promise. He…  Read More

William Bolcom

William Bolcom | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer William Bolcom. William Bolcom b. 1938 William Bolcom is an esteemed American composer of chamber, operatic, vocal, choral, cabaret, ragtime, and symphonic music. At age eight, Bolcom began his study of composition with George Frederick…  Read More


Olivier Messiaen | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Olivier Messiaen. Olivier Messiaen 1908-1992 With his extraordinarily unique approach to composition, French composer Olivier Messiaen constantly set himself apart from other musicians. Born in Avignon and self-taught in piano, Messiaen began composing at age…  Read More

Steve Heitzeg

Steve Heitzeg | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Steve Heitzeg. This episode includes a world premiere written by Steve called Water on Rocks Waltz, which was composed in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and is dedicated to Will Steger. Steve…  Read More

Jocelyn Hagen

Jocelyn Hagen | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Jocelyn Hagen. Jocelyn Hagen b. 1980 Jocelyn Hagen is a distinguished and innovative composer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hagen’s musical talents were apparent from an early age, as she accompanied a choir in Valley City,…  Read More

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor 1875-1912 The gifted English composer, conductor, and professor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor achieved great popularity during his life. He was the son of a Sierra Leone doctor and an English woman. Coleridge-Taylor studied…  Read More