In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Jorge Córdoba.

Jorge Córdoba
b. 1953
Jorge Córdoba Valencia was born on December 15, 1953, in Mexico City. As a young adult he had very diverse experiences in music. He informally studied popular music including rock, jazz and folk music before attending the National Conservatory of Mexico where he received a traditional music education. He later traveled to Spain, Hungary, Boston, Brazil and the Dominican Republic to participate in conducting courses. Córdoba is a highly respected composer who has won many awards and honors including first place in the Third National Contest of Choral Music in Mexico and served as composer-in-residence at Brandon University in Manitoba, Canada. He has been Artistic Director of the National University of Mexico Choir, University of Mexico-Iztapalapa Choir, Children’s Choir Legaria Theater and Madrigalists Choir from Mexico’s National Institute of Fine Arts. Córdoba also performs frequently as a guest conductor of instrumental groups including the National University of Mexico’s Symphonic Orchestra and Percussion Orchestra, the Symphonic Orchestra of Oaxaca, the Chamber Orchestra of San Angel, the Chamber Orchestra of Mexico City, the Festival Orchestra of Pecs, Hungary, the Chamber Orchestra of the Academy Kuronuma, the Schola Cantorum Choir in Hudson, New York, and the Culture Institute Choir of León, Guanajuato.
Suggested Choral Pieces:
- Imagenes del Quinto Sol (Not Published)
- Aleluya (Not Published)
- Aquí ha nacido el tiempo (Not Published)